Fazrul Rosli
Qualitative Researcher / Moderator in Malaysia
Fazrul can most often be found in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is a qualitative researcher and freelance moderator with more than a decade of experience in market research. He has worked extensively across automotive, FMCG, gaming, technology, cryptocurrency, retail, finance and politics.
Before that? He did all kinds of odd jobs. Sell pirated DVDs? Check. Work in a call centre? Check. Event organiser, sales promoter? Check. Construction worker, restaurant waiter? Oh yeah. But he is always passionate about good conversation, translating marketing jargon to plain daily language, and helping companies connect with their customers.
He is fluent in Malay and English and can speak and understand most dialects in Malaysia. Now, he is trying to learn the programming language, hoping to moderate groups in Javascript or C++ one day.
When he’s not working, he enjoys beaches, football, hanging out with friends, collecting stray cats or slaying noobs in online games. He doesn’t particularly enjoy porridge, social media or writing about himself in the third person.
No job is too big or too small. My services and swords are for hire.

- Focus Group Discussion
- In-Depth Interview
- Ethnography Interview
- Workshop

- Full/Topline Report
- Summary
- Proposal Writing
- Discussion Guide Design

- Malay to English
- English to English
- Proofreading
- Copy Writing
I have worked with a wide range of local and international clients.

I am blessed to work with so many amazing people.

While Fazrul may appear to be a soft-spoken person, his critical thinking and structuring of information lead to insights worth a debate. He’s definitely a good listener and a challenger or provoker, traits that are necessary and critically expected from an expert Qualitative consultant. Fazrul is creative in delivering his analysis and thoughts, making it really easy for the audience to understand.
Fazrul has been a great asset as a qualitative researcher and always shares his vast knowledge with the team for growth. I have learned a lot and received positive feedback from clients across different industries (tobacco, oil & gas, etc). He has strong critical thinking when it comes to analysis and can produce excellent reports that are easy to understand.

Senior Project Manager of Ipsos Malaysia